Alberton Caregivers Pty Ltd established June 2021.

Our journey began with a Facebook post. The post involved an elderly lady, 76 years of age, frail, neglected, abused, dehydrated and in dire need of care.
The lady's granddaughter and granddaughter's boyfriend, who were both on drugs, were living with granny in her small apartment. The pair would steal granny's possessions as well as her small SASSA pension, for drugs.
After a neighbor reported the abuse and neglect, the welfare and a support group who assists in severe cases of child abuse were called in as part of the rescue team.
When granny was found she was weak and could barely walk. A small, fragile, vulnerable human being lying on a single bed mattress, a dirty blanket, soaked with urine and feaces. After further investigation it was found that granny was the victim to rape as well, allegedly by the granddaughters boyfriend.

After reading the story, I was enraged, frustrated, speechless and disappointment in the human race.
Family that treat an elder with such brutality, a granny enduring such pain and humiliation disgusted me.
These youngsters deserve what they get and hopefully someday they will realize what they did and ask for forgiveness.

I wanted to do something to help all elderly people in such or similar situations.
Protect them, make them feel worthy and make sure they know they are not a burden to their families and to society.

I decided to put a message on Facebook for people who would be interested in joining me in elderly care.
Assisting families who work and are not able to take care of their elder(s) at home, perhaps after an operation, or in need of companionship, attention, grooming, or a visit to the doctor and collecting medication.
Most old people are not able to do daily chores where even a bath or dressing becomes a daily challenge.

The Facebook message brought together the most amazing people, each one with a uniqueness specific to our cause. Just like puzzle pieces which fit into each other and produce a masterpiece.

Everything that transpired from then until now has been by the grace of our Heavenly Father, the dedication and passion the caregivers share.

I obtained a certificate in Alzheimer's and Dementia, and studied this specific course so as to understand what my mom is going through and how I could make her life easier, less stressful and comfortable.
Thereafter, I went on to study Care-giving, specifically Elderly Care, and obtained a Diploma.

My goal is to train Alzheimer's and Dementia courses.  
So little is known about this brutal brain disease.
In-house training with 'The Team' the family members to ensure the best care for all elderly parents and patients.

Alberton Caregivers Pty Ltd was registered on the 17th August 2021 with a negative bank balance but through faith, perseverance, dedication, patience and a passion for what we do, made it all worthwhile.

The reward in care-giving is knowing that you are making a difference in another persons life no matter how small it may seem.
          ** May Our Heavenly Father keep blessing us in caring for His elderly ** Amen

                                                            Our motto: "We are stronger together"